BRAG Event With Speaking Guest Ms. June Ambrose

Brag Event




On Wednesday I had the pleasure of covering an event that the wonderful organization called BRAG (if you’re not familiar) had. BRAG is a non-profit organization that prepares and educates professionals, entrepreneurs and students of color for executive leadership in the retail, fashion and related industries, for more information.

Ms. June Ambrose was invited to speak, and tell us about her journey into the fashion business. I met Ms. Ambrose during NYFW last year at the Nina Skarra show. She was so kind and encouraging! When I heard that she was speaking at the Brag event and I got approved to cover it, I was overjoyed! Everyone chatted to their neighbor while patiently awaiting the arrival of June. There were refreshments in the other room which we all helped ourselves to.

When everyone was ready to begin, Ms. Gail Monroe-Perry, the president of BRAG introduced herself to all of us. She then informed us all about BRAG and all that it stands for. The organization has wonderful internship opportunities, scholarships, etc. A few of the 2013 interns introduced themselves to us and told us about the specifics of their internships. After that, Ms. Perry made us all do an exercise of going across the room to introduce ourselves to someone new. We all got up and made our way around the room to mingle with everyone. After being called back to our seats, we had to tell everyone one or two things that we learned about the person that we met lol, that definitely broke the ice a bit.

The moment we had all been waiting for finally presented it’s self when Ms. June Ambrose was announced and she walked — or should I say fabulously glided down the aisle to the center of the room. She then greeted us all and warned us ahead of time that she would be taking sips of her green tea quite frequently lol. Rocking a YSL skirt, a Marc Jacobs top, and on her head — a cutesy pink headband adorned with two fuzzy pompoms, Ms. Ambrose oozed effortless style.

June started from the beginning of her journey, telling us that she was born in Antigua and left when she was two years old. She told us that when she was younger she was always quite different from everyone else, and she definitely stood out.

While Ms. Ambrose was telling us about her road to success (that had a few bumps, twists and turns in it) it seemed as though she created most of the opportunities herself. She didn’t wait for anyone to approach her with an opportunity, she knew what she wanted, and she went out and got it. That is very admirable because a lot of people don’t realize that life is not that simple. Sometimes you have to go another route to get to where you would like to be, or create an opportunity/job yourself. Judging by her story, Ms. Ambrose was very ambitious from her younger years (wait, she’s forever young, no shade!) into adulthood.

You could literally hear a pin drop while she was speaking. Everyone was inhaling all of what she had to say.  June is a wonderful public speaker. She was so bubbly, funny and it was just like we were all in her living room hanging out on a weekday. She is West Indian, and brought up that she believes that she gets her work ethic from her mother because when she was brought up she watched her work so hard. Being of West Indian descent myself, I can definitely relate.

Everyone could relate to her story and understand where she was coming from. The way that she spoke had everyone holding onto every word that she said! Ms. Ambrose has a wonderful personality.

After hearing her speak we all felt so motivated and energized. When I’m at fashion week, fashion events or just at home watching tv I admire all of these fashion designers and stylists. When you see their tweets and Instagram posts you assume that they are at ‘the top’ when in fact they are working just as hard and have other goals. You would think that Ms. June has reached the top, what more could she possibly do? She has styled so many a-listers, she’s friends with the who’s who,  styled over 300 music videos, etc. What more could she possibly want to do?  Ms. Ambrose’s goal is to be a household name. She has her own line of shoes, with a new collection coming in the Fall. She also has eyewear, and plans on expanding her brand.

Her two children, Summer and Chance were in attendance! They looked so adorable and even got up to ask their mom a few questions during Q & A time. Summer is a little fashionista and Chance has so much charm.

After Q&A Ms. Ambrose took the time to sign two attendee’s books, and take photos with everyone. When it was my turn, Ms. Ambrose had felt that she saw me before and then we had come to the realization that it was because I sent her an email the day before with a photo of us from our first encounter. She read my email and commented that though it was long, it was good and she remembered me from it. She then went on to say that we’ll talk haha. She took three pictures with me just to make sure it was perfect.. (she said ‘never settle’ haha) Ms. June is the selfie queen if you didn’t know!

Overall, I had such a wonderful time. I admire Ms. Ambrose for her fearlessness.

  •  Thank you Brag! Go to if you would like to know more about this wonderful organization. You won’t regret it!

Pictures below..



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