Chris Breezy — The Today Show

I know you all checked out Chris on the Today Show yesterday right? If not, I’ll tell you .. he did an amazing job, as usual!

I’m one of those who stands in line when he comes to Good Morning America or the Today Show to perform. I went to go see him and it was worth the pain in my feet and back after haha. This year was a little different because I got my press pass so I had the privilege of waiting in a different line with less people. We also got escorted to a close section right next to the stage.

He performed his new single off of his highly anticipated upcoming album Fortune ‘Don’t Wake Me Up’. He also performed ‘Forever’, ‘Turn Up The Music’ and ‘Yeah 3x’. Momma Joyce was in the crowd looking beautiful as always! His dancers were amazing, and they seemed to be eager and excited. They all looked great and brought their A game. Even Ms. Katrina came out and she looked very nice in yellow. I saw Hellina with her new fierce haircut. Big Pat looked nice with his suit on. Lastly, Drew did his thing and looked really nice! Everyone was ready!

It was hilarious because most of the people in press were photographers so they weren’t singing and dancing. I was the ONLY person in press dancing and singing to all of the songs lmao. I was getting on their nerves but I didn’t care lol. I even saw Chris look over by me and he was a little puzzled! We made direct eye contact probably because I was the only person in the press box singing and dancing haha. Plus, he’s not doing any press this year so when he saw me having a great time/showing support I’m pretty sure that added to his confusion lmao. All in all, I had a good time.

Can’t wait for the Fortune tour. I’m excited for Chris’ toy signing here in NYC tomorrow at Toy Tokyo. #TeamBreezy :*

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