Don’t Do It..

No Ciara.. WHY Ciara? I’m very sorry.. but if you own gladiator sandals…… you need to take them, put them in a box.. and slide them to the back of your closet to never be opened or worn again. Harsh? I’m sorry, but nothing gets under my skin more than seeing gladiator sandals lmao. ESPECIALLY if you have big feet, which only makes the situation much worse. So, please do not try to be that one brave soul that tries to bring gladiator sandals back because you will not be successful. I like Ciara, I mean sometimes she does tend to get plenty of thumbs up with her outfits but today is not one of those days. Those shorts have to go. She could get away with them if she was on the beach, because then it would look like she wasn’t serious and it was something that she just threw on. But sadly, she did try.. So, no they HAVE to go. I mean, her legs look nice! Cute top, shades, and necklace though Cici! Anyone like her new hairdo? Let’s try a little harder next time! In the words of Wilhelmina Slater, ‘you are fired’. –>


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