Emerge Event




            Among the invitations I recieved for fashion week was an invitation to the Emerge event where Mikki Taylor would be honored. I was happy to receive this invitation, especially because Ms. Taylor was being being given the Fashion Innovator Award. I covered the red carpet, and then a runway showing of a few collections then began after Ms. Taylor was honored. It was a nice event. I’ve included a few shots from some of the collections, they are posted below. While covering the carpet, Mikki and I posed for a quick pic, and guess who was also at the event.. Miss Jay! We took a picture too. I ran into actor Sean Ringgold who was so nice. Dwight (from the Housewives of Atlanta) and I shared a laugh when he was walking the red carpet and he saw me, and stuck his face right into my camera lol. He was dressed fabulously, no surprise. Thank you for the invite, and congratulations Mikki Taylor!

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