Exposed Skin Care Follow Up

Hey everyone! So, as promised I’m back to give my 2 week follow up with Exposed Skin Care. I was told that I wouldn’t see a difference until the 3rd+ week on but I am seeing a bit of a difference.
For this skin care product there is a morning routine and a night routine. My memory is horrible most of the time but I’m determined to get my skin back to how it was before so I make a point to use the products twice a day. Both routines are different too, but both have serums that you put on that you’re supposed to leave on. I must say, I’m in love with the way that my skin looks and feels when I wake up. It gives you a fresh, dewy look.. it’s hard to describe. It leaves your face super soft and gives you a glow.
I am obsessed with the mask. If you feel as though your face is too greasy after using the product and or just to cleanse your face, you use the mask. The mask is the color of charcoal, which kind of freaked my mother out when I snuck up on her while rounding the corner (lol). The mask dried my face out a bit so after using that I used a little moisturizer.
As far as the uninvited visitors on my cheek, I found that they faded just a little bit. It’s not that much of a difference yet though because it’s only the 2nd week. I like my results so far, and I’m looking forward to hopefully looking like my old self soon thanks to Exposed Skin Care! Check back next week for my 3rd week follow up 🙂