Turns 4 Years Old!

Hi, all!! I cannot believe that is officially 4 years old today!!!!

As I gear up for my 8th season of covering NYFW I am ever so grateful that I made the decision to start this website at 18 years old.

I am now 22 and my site has blossomed and grown before my very eyes. Being a blogger is one of the titles I hold that I am most proud of.

This website was built from the ground up, and I had little to no knowledge on how to actually design and run my site. Trial and error, hard work and dedication along the way and here we are,

four years later. I have been granted the opportunity to work with so many brands, make so many industry contacts and acquaintances, and meet so many people that I admire.

I have my blog to thank for the reason that I am attending Parsons as I covered an event there and fell in love with the school, thus kicking off the journey of attending – later being granted acceptance and a full scholarship.

You may see the rewards but you do not get to see the behind the scenes of the work and networking that we have to put into this, and while I do play hard, I work even harder and that is why I have what I have.

Many long nights, millions of emails, tons of yes’ and in the beginning quite a few no’s but here we are.. 4 years later and still doing the damn thing!

I would like to thank the companies that trust me with their products and ask for my reviews, and I thank you, my readers for taking the time out to read 🙂

Carrie Bradshaw, aka my Aries queen SJP has always been my inspiration and the inspiration behind my blog.

Stay tuned for my NYFW ’16 coverage! 😉

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