R&B Xensation Miguel

R&B XENsation Miguel 

Everyone that knows me knows that I love me some Miguel. Everyone that follows me on Twitter knows that I’m forever tweeting about my love for Miguel. Lastly, everyone that knows me in real life has to deal with me playing Miguel’s music on a daily. Moral of the story? I (love)  luhh me some Miguel.

I just have to say, I am SO happy that he is finally getting the recognition that he deserves. He has been at it for years and he really does prove that with hard work and dedication you can make it happen. Like most, I’ve been rocking with him since ‘All I Want Is You’ and after hearing that song I fell in  love with his voice. The singles released did well but he was so underrated.

Miguel made such good music but it seemed like it wasn’t his time yet ; with “Kaleidoscope Dream” it seemed like God shined a light on him, opened everyone’s ears and told them to listen to him. He’s been getting crazy attention ever since.. this is just his year and I couldn’t be happier for him! He has also gotten the opportunity to tour with some pretty amazing/established artists. Last year he toured with Trey Songz and Elle Varner. This year he’s toured with Alicia Keys, and now he’s on tour with Drake and Future.

Miguel is a breath of fresh air to the music industry. A lot of people often say that they think that R&B is dead. If it’s dead, then he’s definitely bringing it back. His sound is like no other, his style is an attention grabber, and he seems extremely cool. Miguel’s love of art is admirable too. He also has the gift of gab, he gives a great interview.

I wish he would hurry up with the next album though, a girl needs some new music lol. You can’t rush greatness but geesh!

Once again, moral of the story is that I love Miguel and you should too.

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