Prom Season 2012

Prom Season 2012

    ‘Tis the season you guys! It’s almost here, and I am going to make sure that you are fully prepared. I want you all to look fabulous, and not just regular fabulous. I’m talkin’ neck snapping, jaw dropping, show-stopping FABULOUS. So, let’s get started! Ladies, some of you need to learn that accessories make the outfit. You should not ever be afraid to accessorize. Also, accessories do not always have to burn a huge hole in your pocket. Stop in Claire’s or Icing and get some nice earrings and bracelets. I will post more about accessories tomorrow, pictures will be included but tonight I wanted dresses to be my main focus. 

      Before I tell you what to wear (slim and full-figured gals) I want to start with what you should leave alone.. Alright, I think I am just about tired of cut out dresses. I am going to be VERY specific about what cutouts I’m talking about before ya’ll come after me lmao. 
Here is a picture –> 

     This style has been over-used, passed down, and just plain old worn out for the past few prom seasons. Please put an end to it. There is not one prom that you will go to that you wouldn’t see this dress in numerous colors. I turn my head each time, simply because there are SO many beautiful dresses out there.. why would you choose the most common one? That is one of my fashion pet peeves. 

      Anywho, moving on.. There is a huge difference between glitter and sparkle. This is coming from the biggest glitternista out there! Like I said before, “if it doesn’t glitter, it’s not mine.” But yes, there is a huge difference.. to me at least. Glitter is beautiful, it gives you shine, and snatches attention! Sparkle is cheap. Sparkle is extremely easy to come off, it’s kind of dull, and I just don’t like it. Glitter has great quality, you’ll be able to tell the difference! So, you want to GLITTER.. NOT SPARKLE  (:

Also, this style of short dress has been over-used also!
       Don’t get me wrong, the different versions of this dress was very cute while it lasted. When it was on the correct girl, it was precious. But this year should be different.. When you wear a short dress to prom that means you want to stand out, …. I LOVE it. It shows you have confidence, and you will look just as nice. You will stand out in the sea of all of the long gowns. I wore a short dress to two of my proms, one of which I designed! -bats eyelashes- But, back on the topic.. go for it! I will have a few pictures of the short styles that I like. 
     Heels anyone?! Yes, on to the heels. I prefer pumps. I prefer nice pumps with a peek-a-boo toe, or a sexy slingback. They look great and are a lot more comfortable.. (not like that matters in my world because I will sacrifice comfort for fabulousity anyday! But hey, that’s just me haha) than the whole open toe shoe style. –> 

      These can be very uncomfortable to walk in for most people. Also, on prom day you are nervous.. you might sweat a bit.. you then will be sliding all over the place in these babies. Though they are nice, they are very hard to walk in.Why not just avoid it and go with the sexy slingback? You know you want to 😉

      Last but not least.. please step out looking nice and not afraid to step your shoe game up and rock some heels or a sexy wedge. Please.. leave these in the store where you found them —> 

        That’s the end of Prom Edition chapter one! My next post will have all of the pictures of the dresses in them, and I’ll do a total break down of everything. So, let the fun begin!!

xoxo PinkKisses

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