Sex and The City Turned 20 Years Old!!

Sex and the City turns 20!


Happy 20th anniversary to one of the most iconic shows ever, my favorite, Sex and the City!!

This show has aged like fine wine and is so relevant even to this day. These ladies put NYC fashion on the map, Carrie had every girl hoping for a Mr. Big, they showed the beauty of friendship/power of girlfriends, and served us look after look!!!!!

Carrie definitely is one of my biggest inspirations. (Even when I’m updating my blog I’m sitting by a window like she does lmaooo.) I became a blogger because of her. I definitely aspire to be the Black Carrie Bradshaw, lol!

I remember being in High School and I couldn’t wait to graduate because I wanted to start my quest to rip and run in the city like my favorite four women. I wanted to find a new crew who could be the Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte to my Carrie. I wanted to find the perfect NYC apartment, and I had to have an amazing shoe collection. I’m happy to report that I’ve checked some of those things off of the list!

I’ll always sit down to catch a rerun. Cheers to 20 fabulous years!!

xo, Xenia Amirah


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