Waffle Crisp – My Tastebuds Rejoice!

Waffle Crisp – Post Foods

Hi everyone! I am not even going to beat around the bush, I can’t contain my excitement so I have to jump right to the point. When I was younger I was obsessed with a cereal called Waffle Crisp. I would eat that morning, noon and night.

I’m sure you all remember Waffle Crisp, and I am sure if you were a huge fan of the cereal you definitely remember when it just started disappearing from shelves. I was really disappointed when my favorite cereal wasn’t available in any of the grocery stores where I lived. Now, it’s extremely hard to get your hands on a box.

Well, it is extremely hard to get your hands on a box.. and I have to say that last week was an extremely lucky week for me!! I wrote to Post Foods and shared my disappointment about the fact that I can’t buy my favorite cereal anywhere near where I live. Guess what!!?? Post felt my pain (lol) and was kind enough to send me two boxes of my favorite cereal!!!!!

I would like to thank them once again, because I really really appreciate it. I sent a thank you to Ms. Browne who sent me this wonderful gift and I helped myself to a bowl and I’ve been munching ever since. I already finished 1 box and I’m on the second box half way done already.

Thank you Post Foods!!!

– Do you like Waffle Crisp? Is your favorite cereal hard to get?

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