A Xenia Amirah Original – Bubblegum Beauties

Fashion Sketch ~



Spring is here! Pink Madness, these girls are ‘Bubblegum Beauties’. I used Shinhan Art Touch Twin Markers for the skin tone, hair, dresses, and shoes. For the outline, I used Micron pens and for the detail I used Sakura of America Gelly Roll pens. I have no idea why the Gelly Roll glitter pen effect did not show up this time when I scanned my design. It usually does, so just excuse it this one time :). The diamonds that you see on her dress were drawn with Sakura of America Gelly Roll pens. If you could see the original in person you would be in glitter heaven!

They have legs for days don’t they? I really enjoy using Touch Twin Markers because they do not dry out at all. When I render my model’s skin, time is of the essence. When I used my past markers, I found that if I stopped for one second, my artwork would get a nasty mark on the paper and it makes their legs two tones. I don’t have that problem with Touch Twin markers. The markers and inky and blend well with pencil. Touch Twin markers are not soooo inky that the marker bleeds through the paper though, it’s just right! My Touch Twin Marker box set is with me at all times, now my designs are not complete without using them.

The Micron pens really get the job done. I like to outline my girls’ bodies with brown pencil because I have always thought that black was a bit too harsh. I have a heavy hand so something that I might have meant to be a small effect turns into an attention grabber lol! With the Micron pens there are three type of pens in the pack that I have, 1 2 and 3. Pens for thick lines to thin, whatever your little artistic heart desires! I used the #1 pen for this look. It really had me considering outlining my girl’s skin with black, which I’m definitely going to try.

Hope you like my design!


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