Meeting Betsey Johnson xo


Betsey Johnson




Today I had the opportunity to meet the fabulous, amazing, and fantastic fashion designer Betsey Johnson. Betsey Johnson was definitely a designer that I’ve always wanted to meet. Not only are her designs creative and beautiful, but she also uses my favorite color — pink! It was such a wonderful experience.

When you look at her collections they are so colorful and creative. I admire her use of bright colors, glitter and pink. I love her creations, whether it be one of her bags, dresses or even her shoes. She is not afraid to be loud with her colors and bold with her designs.  Now that I have met Betsey, I can see that she is just as bold and colorful as her designs!! She is a ball of energy, she lit up the place. Everything is just exciting when it comes to her!! She had models modeling and dancing in her dresses and waving the American flag. There were girls wearing hot pink & black tutus, tied up black t-shirt with Betsey Johnson spelled out in hot pink letters, and on their feet — army studded sneakers. There was a display of her shoes, and anyone that passed by them were mesmerized. Her clothing and dresses were displayed and so was this stylish American flag styled bag. The décor of where Betsey would meet and greet her fans was so Betseylicious. There was a couch with pink pillows and across from that was the DJ booth where DJ Kalkutta was playing. We all glanced over at the couch every 5 minutes in anticipation of when we would get our moment to speak with Ms. Johnson on the couch.

Until then, it was a party while we all waited for Betsey to arrive! DJ Kalkutta was on the one’s and two’s, and hosting this whole event was blogger Micah Jesse. The music was bumpin’, and the energy was high. Micah was so sweet and engaging with the crowd, he was SO much fun. I will ever meet someone who can rock a pink floral suit like Micah Jesse, he is fabulous.

Not only was Ms. Johnson blessing us with her presence, but she was also gifting us with items from her collection with raffle drawings while we waited for her to arrive. Can you guess who won????!!!!! XENIA AMIRAH, OH YES!! Listen, I couldn’t believe that my name was called because I usually never win anything (lol) but once Micah said Xenia Amirah, I couldn’t have speed walked over to him quick enough. I had my pick of either a dress, bag or shoes.. I had to go with one of Betsey’s shoes. I chose a chic and sophisticated black pair of heels from her Blue by Betsey collection, with crystals on the heel. They are so beautiful, I love them. I can’t wait to get my Betsey on and strut down the street in those shoes, I feel so lucky! Thank you!

When Betsey arrived, she arrived in true Betsey fashion, throwing rose petals into the crowd. Micah had everyone excited and chanting her name while she made her way past all of her fans and over to the couch. The energy was high and everyone was so excited that she was there. When it was finally my turn to meet Betsey Johnson I had to take a deep breath and made sure to watch my feet so I didn’t trip (how embarrassing would that have been lol). I made it over to her and she warmly gave me a tight hug. I told her it was so nice to meet her and that I’m an aspiring designer and I love her designs. Her eyes lit up and she asked me if I’m going to school for design. I told her that I take classes at FIT and without missing a beat she told me to intern with her. She told me to get her contact from the lady standing next to her shoe display, and I said okay! Betsey pulled me in and then we posed for my photo. We sat on the couch for a little while longer and she pulled me in again so that we could pose one more time.

While I walked, clutching my Betsey Johnson hot pink tote bag with my new Betsey Johnson shoes inside, I was too excited to get over to the the printing table to get my photo printed. The party was definitely on the 5th floor of Macy’s. Micah Jesse had the crowd going, DJ Kalkutta had the music bumpin’ — playing everything from Beyoncé and Chris Brown to Kesha.. and Ms. Johnson’s girls were all interacting with the crowd. I am so happy that I got the chance to meet such a nice person. It’s such a great feeling when you meet someone and they are exactly how you imagined them, or even nicer. Ms. Johnson was just that. Her models, Micah Jesse, and all of the girls sporting tutus were so warm and welcoming. This experience was amazing and I’ll cherish my photos with Betsey Johnson forever! Thank you!

(By the way, we all received a pretty hot pink tote with Betsey Johnson written on it in glitter, and also a compact mirror. )

My photos from the event are below for your viewing pleasure.






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