This Generation..


I discovered the article above while browsing earlier, and I think that it’s a good read. If you have some spare time right now, take a moment to read through the article. Don’t worry, it’s not too long lol.

I honestly couldn’t agree more. I tell my mom all of the time that I believe that I was born in the wrong era (I’ve always wanted to be born during Motown lol) because I really can’t relate to this generation. I always say that there are so many females in this world, but very few ladies. I don’t want to come off as someone that is judgmental because I’m totally not.. I’m just very observant.

When I’m on Instagram or Twitter and I see certain pictures I’m just like wow. It’s sad that girls feel the need to post pictures of themselves in their bras + panties just for a few likes.  Those same girls will complain and say that guys are so vulgar/thirsty. In my opinion, those guys aren’t thirsty.. they’re just commenting on what is displayed lol. Girls will post inappropriate pictures + tweets and then say that they want to find a good guy. Look at how you are presenting yourself. You are the prize. Nobody wants to open the present that’s already been unwrapped. They are not going to post respectful comments because judging by the photo that you posted, it shows that you don’t respect yourself. Sometimes it’s not as deep as my previous sentence and some girls just love attention. Just remember, not all attention is good attention.

Social media can be a wonderful thing if it’s used right.  Let me get onto my next topic, tweets. I do not drink alcohol (I decided to not to have my first drink until I’m 21 & I want my first drink to be pink & in Vegas lol, yes.. woo, a fabulous affair) and I don’t smoke. I don’t judge anyone that does, it’s your life. I do however think that it’s quite foolish to post tweets and photos of you smoking weed online. We all take showers everyday (I would hope), and we don’t alert each other every time we shower. Why do it when you’re smoking? There is no point. When you apply for jobs or colleges the first thing they do is check your social media, you obviously don’t want a job lol. You’re setting yourself up for failure, and for what? People of this generation drink to get drunk, just so that they can have a story to tell. All attention is not good attention.

I don’t think that I’m better than anybody, I just choose to live my life in a different way. These have just always been my views. Your activities online don’t always show what type of person you are in real life, but I just don’t understand why anyone would want to portray themselves negatively. Everyone wants to fit in and nobody wants to stand out. The saddest thing to watch is someone cave in under the pressure and conform the mediocrity surrounding them. People like to make it seem like the person that doesn’t drink or smoke and isn’t promiscuous is the most judgmental , but in a most cases it’s the other way around. Don’t give in to peer pressure because most of the time the people that do the most for attention are usually the most unhappy.

Ladies, keep your mystery. I loved the era where women were confident, and sensual but carried themselves with such class and dignity. That was beautiful! They presented themselves in that manner and that’s why men treated them that way. You can be the most intelligent girl in the world but if you only have your boobs and behind on display, who is really worried about your intellect? Dress how you would like to be addressed. Do better and you’ll get better. I’m not sure when it became cool to be provocative instead of classy but it’s sad. At the end of the day, I can only worry about myself, but I figured that I would share the article with you guys. I went off on other topics though lol so make sure you read the article because I definitely didn’t stay on topic lmao. Again, with this post I’m not judging, these are just my views.. if you feel judged, I’m sorry you feel that way.

In my book and in plenty of other’s, classy always wins ;).



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