ClearCorrect Journey – Before & After Photos

Hi, everyone!

I would like to take a moment to rave about my wonderful ClearCorrect journey as it has now come to an end. I finished my last ClearCorrect tray by the end of May, a few days after my college graduation. Now I am just wearing a retainer for a little while, then I can just wear my retainer to bed.

My smile is exactly how I envisioned it and I could not be any more happier as well as grateful. Once I decided to do ClearCorrect, I had to prepare myself for cutting back on sweets and soda, as well as being responsible enough to consistently have my trays on as that was the only way that my gap would close.

I surprisingly had no issues and everything went smoothly. I did not have to change around my usual routine other than consistently brushing after every meal and it actually made me realize how much I eat in one day (lol)! I would brush my teeth like 9 times a day, it was hectic, haha!

I had a wonderful experience and it was so simple and convenient. I encourage everyone to try ClearCorrect as it really is an easy and breezy clear alternative to metal braces.

Above are my before and after photos. What a difference right?!?!?!

I have a million reasons to smile, and thanks to my amazing dentist Dr. Carrie Giuliano as well as ClearCorrect, I now have a million and one!!

Thank you ClearCorrect, and thank you Dr. Carrie Giuliano for all of your help, xo!


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