The Makeup Show NYC 2018 Recap!

Hi, everyone!

As I said in my previous post, one of my favorite things that happen in May is The Makeup Show! I am a lover of makeup and I respect the industry as well as the talented individuals that work within the makeup industry, so I love covering this show for my website. We are able to get a heads up on what is going to be released this year/see some of the products that have yet to be released, we can shop oldies but goodies and we can also shop newly released items! It is a really great time.

So, for the Beauty Brunch and Press Preview that occurs before the make up show event the next day, we hear all about the new products of this year and we happen to receive a goodie bag filled with the products so that we can try them and post a review. I will create a separate post dedicated to my goodie bag, yes, it’s that great. After the preview, we ate some fantastic food and mingled with each other.

Whenever I cover events and they state that there is going to be food, I usually eat before I go because most of the time it’s not real/appetizing food! This brunch put my past experiences to shame because they had great food which I definitely enjoyed. Below are photos of what the event looked like inside. Everyone was mostly on the right side of the room at this time getting food, while others sat and spoke to one another.                                                                                                                                                                                        



I met a great girl, her name is Tiffany and we chatted the entire time. I usually expect for people to be standoffish because that’s how it usually is at these events but she was very cool. We went around and we bumped into Renny Vasquez, makeup artist to quite a few of your favorite celebrities. I also met Kristopher who is Mariah Carey’s makeup artist. Now, you all know how much I love Mariah so to be able to see the incredibly beautiful man that gives her a great makeup beat in person?? I was happy! We all posed for photos which you can view above ;).

During the makeup show I wanted to take photos, and just stick to the list that I originally made before coming. I bought the Mac setting spray that I ran out of, it was 30% off so, come to mama! I stocked up on my favorite lashes from FRENDS BEAUTY, I bought a great Beauty Blender package that had two blenders, a cleaning mat, a makeup mixer mat, and a blotterazzi product for when you’re too greasy.  That product is one that I needed because my t-zone gets very shiny mid-day. I then continued to pick up items.. I am now fully stocked for 2018! I will be blogging about each item separately. 

Stay tuned!

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