Sublime Beauty


Sublime Beauty Review

Hi everyone! I wanted to share about my experience with a great company called Sublime Beauty. I mentioned in my last post that I am trying to develop a skin routine for myself. I usually get extremely lazy when it comes to taking care of my skin. So, now I’m happy to say that I am keeping up with my new skin routine for my body also. You can imagine my excitement when the opportunity presented itself to review some of Sublime Beauty’s items.

The Sublime Beauty Original Skin Brush was the first item I tried out. I’m not sure if you all have heard, but a lot of doctors say that dry skin brushing not only helps to prevent cellulite, but it also rids your skin of all of that dead skin. I’ve been using this for about a week and a half and while I don’t have much cellulite, it has brightened up the skin on my body by taking off some dead skin.

Dry Skin Brushing –

I use the Sublime Beauty Fresh Citrus Scrub while using the Original Skin Brush. The scrub smells so good, but it’s not too scented that it bothers my skin. If you have sensitive skin and tend to stay away from scented scrubs/body washes like I do then I’m here to tell you that this scrub is safe! Lol. I was surprised I didn’t break out because I had a little obsession with Tea Tree Oil a while ago, then ended up using too much and had an allergic reaction. That’s not really relevant to the citrus scrub but I figured I would share because I know the woes of someone that has sensitive skin.

Anywho, I also tried out the travel version of the Original Skin Brush. It pretty much gets the job done in the same way that the Original Skin Brush does. This brush is easier for dry brushing though seeing that it’s a little harsher and smaller. Dry brushing took off the little bit of cellulite I had on the back of my left leg. When I first heard about dry brushing I didn’t believe that it would work.  Now I am a believer! I can say that I tried it and I see the difference. I highly recommend it.  The process improves circulation and lymphatic functions while also clearing dead cells and toxins. You should skin brush in the morning and night, and drink water right after.

Lastly, I tried the Face Whisperer Day Cream. It smells nice. It moisturizes and replenishes your skin. The ingredients are aloe, cucumber, sweet almond, and ginseng. I think that I was a little aggressive with the Face Whisperer cream, and a little heavy handed while applying it. I found that I was a little red faced after lol but the next morning my skin looked well moisturized and refreshed almost.

Overall, I enjoyed reviewing Sublime Beauty’s products. Dry Skin Brushing is definitely going to be apart of my everyday routine that I’m trying to stick to as far as skincare goes. The brushes definitely get the job done and I’m looking forward to continuing to use the Face Whisperer. You guys should definitely check out their website, the information is below. Please do look into their brushes, your body will definitely thank you! Goodbye dull skin.

Sublime Beauty
Twitter: SublimeBeauty4
Facebook: SublimeBeauty4
Facebook: SkinBrushing
YouTube Channel: SublimeBeautySkin


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