Can I just toot my horn for a moment? Toot toot!! Tangerine Tango is the color of the yeaaaaar! My prediction that I posted awhile ago about this year’s hottest colors and trends was totally on point!
I visited Sephora’s pop up boutique today and I had an amazing time. I was sporting the color of the year, and stepped with pride as I pranced around the boutique in my blinged out flats. Tangerine Tango was every where that I turned. I picked out SO many adorable goodies for you ladies! I’ll be having a giveaway here and over on Just Off 7th Ave on Monday, March 26th! I am so excited to give you guys the chance to get your hands on these wonderful Sephora products before they hit stores next week!
with the hottest new Tangerine Tango colored eye shadows! My lips were honored to get a splash of color on them with a wonderful new lip gloss that’s coming out next week. My brows even got some attention! The wonderful makeup artist that did my face darkened my brows, which I loved! We had fun! After he finished my eyes a few ladies switched off of the line that they were previously on and came over to my chair because they saw what a fabulous job he did with my eyes!
In the end, I had a great time trying everything out! I left with 6 full bags of items and held my left arm out to catch a cab back home..I was tired! Tangerine Tango was everywhere.. and it will be everywhere.. just get ready! I’m too excited to get you gals a little prepared with the items that I’m giving away! Remember, check out on Monday because I will be giving away tons of goodies over there! I will be giving out lots of goodies on here too on Monday to check on Sunday for what the rules will be for both contests. Make room because Tangerine Tango is taking over!!!