48 Laws of Power

Hi, all!

I cannot believe that Summer is almost over. I feel like the time flew quicker than I was ready for. I have been very busy this Summer, but I’ll share more about that in September. I did promise myself that I was going to take the time to read a couple of books and I am happy to say that I kept my promise!

I was going to go the nonfiction/fiction route but mid-summer I was in need of a motivational book. Something that was interesting and helpful but not annoying and generic, lol! I came across the 48 Laws of Power by author Robert Greene and I could not put this book down.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that was extremely wise beyond their years and they helped you put everything in perspective? I usually describe conversations with my mom in that way, and when reading this book I found it to be so motivating and gritty! The author lays out a set of laws that he thinks that everyone should abide by.

You’re told stories about people of the past and how they followed these rules or why they should’ve followed these rules and then the author throws in his 2 cents to further explain every law.

There are some laws in this book that you MUST incorporate into your life. I will list some of my personal favorites below.

  • LAW #2 – Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use your enemies
  • LAW #4 – Always say less than necessary
  • LAW #9 – Win through your actions and never through argument

My list goes on but I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone. I’m still reading the book because I have been especially busy these last couple of weeks, but I am going to finish this before September.

There were quite a few laws that I just don’t agree with but I have seen how they work for other people so I guess it depends on you and how you live your life. Some people can’t stand this book but I don’t really know why they feel so strongly about it. Who knows.. but I came across the book and definitely wanted to recommend it to anyone that wanted something unusual, informative, and eyeopening to read for the month of August!

You can buy the book on amazon for pretty cheap if you’re interested in reading it!



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